Poznaj jeszcze więcej korzyści z pakietu Microsoft 365 — Uprość swoje bezpieczeństwo online Zapewnij sobie i swojej rodzinie większe bezpieczeństwo online dzięki ciągłemu monitorowaniu zagrożeń, alertom w czasie rzeczywistym, wskazówkom i poradom ekspertów z programu Microsoft Defender. — Potężne aplikacje zwiększające produktywność Korzystaj z programów Word, Excel i PowerPoint, aby współpracować w czasie rzeczywistym lub pracować w trybie offline. — Zaufane miejsce do przechowywania bezcennych wspomnień Szybkie zapisywanie, udostępnianie i edytowanie zdjęć i plików za pomocą usług OneDrive i Microsoft 365. — Maksymalnie wykorzystaj swój dzień Dzięki programowi Outlook jako centrum dowodzenia możesz poświęcać mniej czasu na organizowanie swojego życia, a więcej na jego cieszenie się. — Wszystkie pomysły w jednym miejscu Przechwytuj inspiracje w tekście, dźwięku, zdjęciach i filmach, aby dzięki programowi OneNote stworzyć swój kolejny wielki pomysł. — Opowiedz swoją historię na swój sposób Dzięki Clipchamp i pakietowi Microsoft 365 możesz łatwo przekształcić uchwycone wspomnienia w piękne filmy.
invoice will automatically generate upon placing an
orderThis product is region locked and can be activated only in EUROPE!(Activation also works using a VPN to any EU country)Available Languages: MultilanguageFor Windows | Mac | Android | iOSACTIVATION INSTRUCTIONS:This product can be activated on the official website at: https://setup.office.comWith
an Office 365 Personal subscription, you can access the latest version
of all Office programs for one year, including updates to newer
versions. Install the software on up to five devices, including Windows
and Mac computers, smartphones, and tablets. With 1TB of storage space
in OneDrive, you can easily back up, sync and access your..
invoice will automatically generate upon placing an
orderThis product is region locked and can be activated only in EUROPE! (Activation also works using a VPN to any EU country)Available Languages: MultilanguageFor Windows | Mac | Android | iOSOffice 365 Family Family Home is also available in a 6-month version: HEREACTIVATION INSTRUCTIONS:This product can be activated on the official website at: https://setup.office.comMicrosoft Office 365 Family provides the latest versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook, 1 TB of OneDrive cloud storage per user, 60 Skype minutes per user per month, automatic updates, multi-device compatibility on up to 5 devices per user for ..
invoice will automatically generate upon placing an
orderCode can be activated globally with no geo-restrictions.Available Languages: MultilanguageFor Windows | Mac | Android | iOSOffice 365 Family Home (Restricted to EU) is also available in a 1-Year version: HERE* *Please note that the product key for the 1-Year version of Office 365 Family Home can only be activated and used within Europe (EU). If you are located outside the EU, please consider the 6 months version which is available for global activation.ACTIVATION INSTRUCTIONS:This product can be activated on the official website at: https://setup.office.comMicrosoft Office 365 Family provides the latest versions of Word, Excel, Power..
invoice will automatically generate upon placing an
orderThis product is region locked and can be activated only in EUROPE! (Activation also works using a VPN to any EU country)Available Languages: MultilanguageFor Windows | Mac | Android | iOSMicrosoft Office 365 Business Standard 1 year. This product is region locked and can be activated only in EUROPE.The license is meant for one user. You can install Microsoft 365 apps on up to five PCs or Macs, five tablets, and five mobile devices.In total, this means you can have up to 15 devices by including both mobile devices and tablets.ACTIVATION INSTRUCTIONS:A Microsoft account is required to activate the license. It can be created for free via..
invoice will automatically generate upon placing an
orderThis product is region locked and can be activated only in the UNITED STATES and CANADA! (Activation also works using a VPN to any US country)Available Languages: MultilanguageFor Windows | Mac | Android | iOSThis product is region locked and can be activated only in the UNITED STATES and CANADA!ACTIVATION INSTRUCTIONS:This product can be activated on the official website at: https://setup.office.comWith
an Office 365 Personal subscription, you can access the latest version
of all Office programs for one year, including updates to newer
versions. Install the software on up to five devices, including Windows
and Mac computers, ..