Wolfenstein Young Blood – Now AVAILABLE for Pre-Order!

All you crazy Wolfenstein fans, here’s some good news, the pre-orders for Young Blood are open now, so get yourself a CDkey with exclusive digital pre-order benefits and DLC!

The best part about Young Blood is that not only is it as gory as the last Wolfenstein (perhaps even more), but it is a CO-OP game. We haven’t had a good co-op game in like forever.

The E3 2019 trailer for Wolfenstein Young Blood was electrifying and very very VERY satisfying to watch. We get to watch an old BJ Blazkowicz (mostly retired now) and his 2 fierce Nazi killing, badass daughters in action.

Watch the trailer here –

Did you know about this cool fact? If you’re a fan of Wolfenstein and ID Software, I’m sure you already know this, but if you don’t, prepare to be surprised!

According to the lore, (and the founders Tom Hall and John Romero), BJ Blazkowicz is the grandfather of Commander Keen. That means, one of his daughters in Young Blood, gives birth to Commander Keen!

Old BJ Blazkowicz In Wolfenstein Young Blood
Old BJ Blazkowicz In Wolfenstein Young Blood

And it doesn’t end there. Oh, no. Commander Keen, is the father of … wait for it… DOOM GUY! Yes. The ferocious, demon killing marine.

Let’s go in deeper though –
It was also a storyline in the Wolfenstein and DOOM RPGs; In the Wolfenstein RPG, BJ fought a demon the Nazis called “The Harbinger of Doom”, which BJ defeats. He destroys one of the Harbinger’s arms and a leg. The Harbinger of Doom curses BJ and vows to get revenge on his descendants, and he gets his chance to get it when the DOOM Marine faces him in the future, where he is known by a different name –
the “Cyber Demon.”

Doom Cyberdemon
Doom – Cyberdemon

Cool piece of info, ain’t it? It’s pretty cool to know that the entire franchise is so well connected and equipped with amazing lore.

Well, you are essentially playing as Doom Guy’s grandma in this game, isn’t that friggin’ cool? What are you waiting for then?! Pre-Order the game now!

That’s it for this time folks, have an awesome weekend and stay tuned for more! 😀

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