Stellar Blade: A Fast-Paced, Stylish Sci-Fi Action Experience – REVIEW!

Stellar Blade, developed by Shift Up and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment, is one of the most anticipated action-adventure games for the PlayStation 5 in 2024. With a release date of April 26, 2024, Stellar Blade has garnered significant attention for its engaging combat, striking visuals, and compelling soundtrack. Let’s dive into what makes this game a standout title in the genre.

What Makes Stellar Blade Special?

Stellar Blade is set in a sci-fi world where players take on the role of Eve, a warrior tasked with reclaiming Earth from alien invaders known as the Naytiba. The game features an intricate combat system that rewards precision and timing, offering a satisfying mix of offensive and defensive maneuvers. The Beta Gauge and Burst Gauge mechanics add depth to the combat, allowing players to unleash powerful attacks and buffs. The game also includes environmental traversal, with wall scaling and swinging on ropes to navigate the world.

Combat and Gameplay

Combat in Stellar Blade is fast-paced and intense. Players need to grasp the attack patterns of enemies and use a combination of parrying, dodging, and skill-based attacks to defeat them. The combat system is complemented by a range of weapon options and skills, allowing for a high level of customization. Players can also choose from various stances and commands, adding tactical depth to battles.

A Vibrant Sci-Fi World

Stellar Blade’s world is visually stunning, with detailed environments and imaginative creature designs. The game’s story revolves around humanity’s fight to reclaim Earth, and players will meet NPCs who offer side quests and additional lore. Despite some criticism for its narrative and character development, Stellar Blade’s world and lore are intriguing, providing a compelling backdrop for the action.

Critic Reviews

Critics have praised Stellar Blade for its stylish combat and impressive visuals. The game has received positive reviews for its polished gameplay and soundtrack, though some have noted a lack of originality and a somewhat predictable story. However, the overall consensus is that Stellar Blade offers an enjoyable and engaging action-adventure experience.


Stellar Blade is a game that combines fast-paced action with stunning visuals and an immersive world. While it may not reach the heights of some other action-adventure titles, it offers a solid experience with plenty of thrills and challenges. Whether you’re a fan of stylish combat or looking for a new sci-fi adventure, Stellar Blade is worth checking out. If you’re ready for an adrenaline-fueled journey through a futuristic world, don’t miss out on this exciting PlayStation 5 exclusive.

Something BIG is coming up for PlayStation Plus in May 2022!

PS Plus May 2022

If you’ve been keeping up with your PS Plus subscription lately, it’s been crazy good. Sony is dishing out some awesome titles to keep forever (as long as you’re a member of PS Plus) with their subscription and gamers are absolutely lovin’ it.

This time, the free games for May 2022 are gonna MAKE you wanna buy the subscription. Don’t trust us? Well then, here’s the first free game that has been announced to drop next week!


YES! That’s right… FIFA 22! It’s hard to believe Sony would do such a thing but lately, almost all their titles on PS Plus have been a hit. Compared to the last couple of years, at least. It will be up for grabs on PS4 and on PS5. And that’s not all. There’s also another great title dropping this month and it’s… TRIBES OF MIDGARD!!!

Tribes of Midgard

A great action-adventure RPG, this game is one you shouldn’t miss out on. It’s based on Nordic mythology so all you geeks are gonna have a lot of fun with this game! Available both for PS4 and PS5. And we’re not done yet: Here’s the final game!

Curse of the Dead Gods

Curse of the Dead Gods is the final entry and is a roguelike dungeon crawler with great aesthetics to be claimed for PS4 users. Highly recommend it, and is so much fun to play with friends! It was only launched last year so it’s pretty darn new.

Well that’s it for this time folks, make sure you grab these on time!

And if you want to also wanna receive free games and cool offers from us, make sure you add our email to your mailing list 😉 And keep checking our main site for cool updates!

Have a lovely week, gamers!

Unreal Engine 5 Revealed – Why It Will Revolutionize The Gaming Industry

Unreal Engine 5 Logo

This week, something very “epic” was revealed – something that will totally change how most games will perform and look in the near future on current and next gen platforms.

Yes, we’re talking about Unreal Engine 5. Remember when Unreal wasn’t an engine and was just a game? Wew. Time flies! I can already imagine some old gamers (boomers?) talking about it… “In our time we used to PLAY Unreal.”

Anyhoo, let’s take a dive into what’s changed and how it will affect anything we know.

Unreal Engine 5
Unreal Engine 5 // PS5 Demo

Here’s an in-depth look at “Lumen in the Land of Nanite” – a real-time demonstration running live on PlayStation 5 showcasing two new core technologies that will debut in UE5: Nanite virtualized micropolygon geometry, which frees artists to create as much geometric detail as the eye can see, and Lumen, a fully dynamic global illumination solution that immediately reacts to scene and light changes.

The video basically explains everything you need to know, but for the non-technical people out there, it means that the designers have WAY MORE control over what they want to create without having to worry about it not working/taking the load, hence create even better visually appealing and realistic models that won’t be taxing.

Not just that, their creativity won’t be hindered and a whole new level of gaming will arise, very soon.

Thanks so much for reading through and have an amazing weekend!

For the best discounts on games, softwares and subscriptions, don’t forget to check out our main website –

Why waiting for the PS5 might actually be a good idea – Things you need to know!

Playstation 5 Official Reveal

Okay, so first thing’s first, we need to make it clear that the Playstation 5 is actually not a rumor but a REAL thing that will be released this year, even though the design/controller hasn’t been revealed or seen officially. (Yet).

In other news, the controller will be revealed during the first quarter of this year and the pre-orders will start shortly after – and you bet your bottom dollar that it is going to be a better investment than PS4 Pro.

Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) will launch PlayStation®5 (PS5™) in several countries in the holiday season of 2020 and will make PlayStation®5 (PS5™) available in North America on November 20, 2020 at a recommended retail price (RRP) of $499 .

PS4 Pro Buy Cheap Used
PS4 Pro

Since the PS4 Pro costs around $399 approximately at the moment, it is totally worth it to wait and spend a hundred bucks extra for a LOT of reasons!


  • GPU: Custom AMD Navi – capable of ray tracing!
  • CPU: 8-core AMD Ryzen, 7nm Zen 2
  • Storage: SSD
  • Optical: 4K Blu Ray media player
  • Visuals: Native 4K 120Hz + 8K TV Support
  • Audio: 3D
  • Backwards compatibility with PS4 games and PSVR hardware

Using SSD and the powerful AMD GPU, the install sizes and times will significantly reduce and also the loading times – no more WAITING! It’s an upgrade that was long overdue and honestly, it’s 2020. C’mon. We can’t be using an HDD for gaming now.

About the controller and it’s design – not much is known at the moment, not even an official name… Although it will be announced by March. We can hardly wait.

This console packs a LOT of power and will be a good competition for other consoles and well, the PC Master race as well! 8k TV support? Hell yeah!

So, sit back, relax, and just wait – it’s not too long for the Playstation 5 to come out and boy oh boy, it’s gonna be EPIC!

Stay tuned for more.