Far Cry 6 Reviews Are Out – It’s Not Looking So Good :(

Far Cry 6 is out, finally. The glorious game and the sixth instalment in the Far Cry series by Ubisoft is up for grabs. With a strong star studded lead, it should have broken all sales records, right? Well, apparently even Giancarlo Esposito apparently couldn’t save the game…

It looks beautiful, the graphics are amazing but unfortunately the gameplay seems to be… repetitive. And so does the plot. It’s just like every Far Cry game since Far Cry 3 – evil dictator bad, hero takes him down with help from the locals and other factions – victory. Quoting Vaas from Far Cry 3, “insanity is doing the exact same fucking thing, over and over again, expecting shit to change.”, and quite ironical as it is, Ubisoft did the same thing and expected us to fall in love with it.

It is something to take note of though, most reviews that were average were given by critics or actual reviewers and trusted websites like Polygon, or IGN for that matter. The fans love the game apparently even though they know that these reviews (and the lack-luster gaming experience) exists; and are supporting it fully. It is pretty satisfying and fun to be fair, but unfortunately that feeling doesn’t last that long and wears down pretty fast due to the repetitiveness it has.

Yara (the place where Far Cry 6 takes place) is wonderful and a great area to explore, especially with the free open world atmosphere the game offers.

Check this video out to know more about the game and how it looks like – and if you should wait for a sale before getting it.

Well, that’s it for now folks, hope you have a smashing weekend and stay safe!

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